The 3rd International Conference on Intensive Care and Emergency – Multidisciplinary Approach to the Critically Ill Person will take place from September 26 to 29 in Oliveira de Azeméis.

The event is organized by Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (ESSNorteCVP) and is supported by CINTESIS.

The intended audience is health professionals working in these areas. The aim is to share multi-professional knowledge and experiences, as well as to update knowledge.

In addition to various pre-congress courses on September 26 and 27, with registration already closed, this third edition includes a series of panels in which “Critical Patient Centered Care”, “Sustainable Intensive Care Medicine Services”, “Pain Management in Intensive Care”, the “Sepsis Greenway”, “Approach to the trauma victim”, “Extracorporeal Support in Pediatrics” and how to “Care for the multidisciplinary team” will be discussed, for example.

There will also be “InovTalks” on topics such as the humanization of Intensive Care Units, nutritional support for the critically ill, extracorporeal life support in paediatrics and the rehabilitation of the critically ill.

The program also includes the presentation of oral communications and posters, an “ALS Simulation Competition” and the awarding of prizes during the closing session.

Registration and more information here.