
CINTESIS Latest News

Portuguese Researchers “‘Pave the Way” to New Solutions for Cancer Treatment

By |July 12, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , |

Computational approaches used to develop dendritic cell production in Portugal A group of Portuguese researchers is paving the way for the creation of anti-tumor vaccines and new approaches to the immune system, namely through chemoinformatics [...]

Ciencia 2023: More Clinical Research for the Benefit of Patients

By |July 10, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , , , , , |

A group of researchers from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research participated in a debate organized on July 7 by the Associate Laboratory RISE - Health Research Network, in collaboration with the [...]

CINTESIS/ESEP Researcher Coordinates New Book in the Nursing Area

By |July 5, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , , , , , |

"Ambientes de Prática de Enfermagem Positivos – Um Roteiro para a Qualidade e Segurança" (Positive Nursing Practice Environments - A Roadmap for Quality and Safety) is the title of a new book coordinated by the [...]

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