CINTESIS Latest News
RTP // Ageing: We’re living longer, but how well?
Óscar Ribeiro, a researcher at CINTESIS - Centre for Health Technology and Services Research / University of Aveiro, was one of the speakers in RTP's big debate on ageing, which aired on RTP1. The programme [...]
CINTESIS Researcher Joins INFARMED’s Commission for the Evaluation of Medicines
Nuno Vale, a researcher from CINTESIS@RISE and a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), has been appointed to the Commission for the Evaluation of Medicines (CAM), an advisory body [...]
Election of CINTESIS Scientific Coordinator
The application process is now open for the election of the Scientific Coordinator of the Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS), who will serve a term equivalent to one funding period (usually four [...]