CINTESIS Latest News
SIC // New Cancer Vaccine Could Be Produced in Portugal
The DC Matters project, in which CINTESIS participates, is creating the conditions for new-generation cellular immunotherapies, particularly those aimed at treating certain types of cancer, to be developed and manufactured in Portugal. The report was [...]
Viver Saudável // Aspartame – The good, the dangerous or the “villain”?
The researcher Diogo Pestana, from CINTESIS, RISE, and NOVA Medical School, shared an opinion article in which he reflects on aspartame. The reflection arises from the recent discussion around the role of this sugar substitute. [...]
Conference on Health Economics and Management Will Take Place in November at FMUP
The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) is organizing the "Health Economics and Management" Conference, which will be held on November 24th in the Aula Magna of FMUP. Under the themes of New Challenges and New Models of [...]