
CINTESIS Latest News

Eco-anxiety: Almost 10% of College Students Feel Anxious About Climate Change

By |November 14, 2022|Categories: EN|

A study coordinated by Francisco Sampaio, a researcher at CINTESIS, states that one in 10 students has symptoms of eco-anxiety. The news is from the newspaper Expresso. Read more.

Precision Medicine in Oncology Forum is Scheduled for November 30

By |November 7, 2022|Categories: EN|

The Precision Medicine in Oncology Forum will take place on November 30 in the Auditorium of the Centre for Medical Investigation of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). This initiative is [...]

Saturday // “There is no reason to deny aggressive cancer treatments to elderly women”

By |November 2, 2022|Categories: EN|

Fernando Schmitt, a researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research, was interviewed by the magazine Sábado, in which he points out worrying data related to breast cancer treatment. The specialist is [...]

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