
CINTESIS Latest News

FMUP/CINTESIS Research Team Awarded at the SPAIC Annual Meeting

By |October 17, 2022|Categories: EN|

A team that includes researchers from the Faculty of Medicine fo the University of Porto (FMUP) and CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research received the SPAIC - AstraZeneca Award 2022 for the [...]

“Digital Health in Obstetrics” Seminar Presents The ObsCare WCR Results

By |September 23, 2022|Categories: EN|

“Digital Health in Obstetrics” is the topic of the final results demonstration seminar of the ObsCare WCR project, which will take place next September 23, from 11h00 to 17h30, in the UPTEC (Asprela 1). The [...]

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