
CINTESIS Latest News

“Together We Stand: Juntos na Doença Renal”‘s 4th Edition

By |April 5, 2022|Categories: EN|

The psychoactive groups of "Together We Stand: Juntos na Doença Renal" project developed under the scope of CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research/University of Aveiro, will have a fourth edition, planned for the [...]

University Students with Less Mental Health Literacy are “More Vulnerable”

By |March 24, 2022|Categories: EN|

Portuguese university students with less mental health literacy are more psychologically vulnerable than their peers who are well-informed in this area. A study by researchers from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research [...]

“It is necessary to identify the professionals most exposed or most vulnerable to burnout,” Urges Pedro Machado dos Santos

By |March 21, 2022|Categories: EN|

A research team led by a researcher from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research/ICBAS - Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar, within the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society, assessed burnout and the impact of [...]

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