About 2D4H

2D4H – Secondary Data for Healthcare Research, is a research group of CINTESIS constituted by a multidisciplinary team of specialists in Computer Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Economy and Medicine, with the competences and the experience in the reutilization of secondary data for services and health research and completely committed to addressing the societal challenges related to demography, health and well-being.

The main objective of the group is to develop research that promotes data reutilization for research; health services performance assessment (including the dimensions of effectiveness, efficiency and equality, and the different purposes, such as benchmarking); data quality analysis and the development of tools for detecting problems and improving quality of data; the spatio-temporal characterization of the “weight” of a disease; and research on clinical codification.

Integrated Members

Alberto Freitas (PI)
Alberto Freitas (PI)
Alberto Mota
Alberto Mota
André Ramalho
André Ramalho
Ana Filipa Duarte
Ana Filipa Duarte
João Vasco Santos
João Vasco Santos
Júlio César Souza
Júlio César Souza
Manuel Gonçalves Pinho
Manuel Gonçalves Pinho
Mariana Fernandes Lobo
Mariana Fernandes Lobo

Non-Doctorate Integrated Researchers

Andreia Pinho Pinto

Andreia Raquel Ferreira Novais

António da Luz Pereira

Avelino Mazuze

Fernando José Oliveira Lopes

Izaidino Jaime Muchanga

João Augusto Viana

Jorge Abel Jácome Gomes

Juliana Soprani

Laman Orujova

Maria Isabel de Sousa Garcia Lema

Vera Lúcia Alonso Pires