About AgeingC
AgeingC is a multidisciplinary group of CINTESIS constituted by sixty researchers who focus their study on two areas: a) Social & Behavioural Gerontology (i.e. ageing process, policy and services), and b) Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics (for example, frailty, mental health and dementia, family care, use of new technology for an independent life and the well-being of the elderly).
The objective is to develop and implement actions that increase the individuals’ empowerment, closely engaging health and education institutions and establishing the necessary link with the community’s existing resources. Likewise, the group seeks to develop and implement new care models (integrated care leading to efficiency gains) and novel approaches for the elderly, in accordance with current knowledge on the ageing process and the best practices in Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Integrated Members
Non-doctorate Integrated Members
Ana Filipa Oliveira
Anabela Inácio Pereira
Bruno Manuel Lopes Bessa
Cátia da Luz Pires
Edna Darlene Rodrigues Pinto
Ellen Cristine Hirose Pereira Nery
Giuliana Casanova
Helena Isabel Mendonça Sousa
Isabel Maria Monteiro da Costa
Joana Mafalda Lopes Grosso dos Santos
Lígia Maria Rocha Passos
Mafalda Emídio Azevedo
Maria Miguel Barbosa da Costa
Pollyanna Stefane da Silva Limas
Sandrina de Moura Ribeiro
Sofia Fernandes
Susana Paula de Sousa
Taiane Dantas de Abreu
Tatiana Inês Rodrigues Pereira
Teresa Marisa Alves Martins