About Charter

Created to develop projects that address the complexity of scientific, technological and ethical challenges resulting from investigation in the health field, the Charter – Challenges and Strategies in Health Research, is a new group of CINTESIS that integrates 18 researchers.
The main objectives of this group are to promote collaborative interdisciplinary investigation among researchers from different backgrounds and contribute to widen the scientific debate within the scientific community and society as a whole. For that, the focus is placed on the main challenges that arise from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside, as well as from health services, especially what concerns to resources allocation, education, professional development, and ethical dilemmas.
Integrated Members
Non-doctorate Integrated Members
Ana Maria Oliveira Ferreira Gomes
Bárbara Torres Mota
Carla Maria Santos Pinheiro
Cláudia Maria Sobral Azevedo
Isabel da Costa Pereira de Castro Silva
Laura Mafalda Carvalho Lopes
Liliana Cristina Santos Camarinha
Paula Cristina Amaro Abrantes e Sousa